INTRODUCTION: This website consists of two main sections, an archive or depository of the articles on nature, mostly
photo-essays, that I have written for various publications and a gallery of photographs of spiders
that I have randomly taken over the years.
You can access the articles by clicking on the "folders" numbered 1 to 7 in the left column.
The articles are illustrated with lots of photos. Since space (on paper) is now no longer a constraint,
I have included more photos here than those that were originally used with the articles.
The photos are arranged in a mosaic of thumbnail images at the top of the page. Click on a thumbnail
image and the larger photo opens in a new window. Close that window to return to the article.
You can access the spider gallery by using the site navigation bar above.
Spiders are good subjects for close-up photography. Since they can be found in nearly every type of
habitat in Malaysia they are also quite easily available.
At this point, I must admit that I am not an expert on spiders; my knowledge of these creatures is really
limited. I just like to photograph them as nature close-up subjects. So,
I will not go too much into the biology of spiders but will only share general information gleaned
from various sources.
The Decorative Leucauge (Leucauge decorata)
~ the spider that inspired this website